In-depth course on Big Data

In-depth course on Big Data - Apache Spark , Hadoop , Sqoop , Flume & Apache Hive, MongoDB & Big Data Cluster setup

What you'll learn

Introduction to Sqoop Import

  • Understand lifecycle of sqoop command.
  • Use sqoop import command to migrate data from Mysql to HDFS.
  • Use sqoop import command to migrate data from Mysql to Hive.
  • Use various file formats, compressions, file delimeter,where clause and queries while importing the data.
  • Understand split-by and boundary queries.
  • Use incremental mode to migrate the data from Mysql to HDFS.

Learn Sqoop Export to migrate data.

  • What is sqoop export
  • Using sqoop export, migrate data from HDFS to Mysql.
  • Using sqoop export, migrate data from Hive to Mysql.

Further, you will learn about Apache Flume

  • Understand Flume Architecture.
  • Using flume, Ingest data from Twitter and save to HDFS.
  • Using flume, Ingest data from netcat and save to HDFS.
  • Using flume, Ingest data from exec and show on console.
  • Describe flume interceptors and see examples of using interceptors.
  • Flume multiple agents
  • Flume Consolidation.

Learn about Apache Hive

  • Hive Intro
  • External & Managed Tables
  • Working with Different Files - Parquet,Avro
  • Compressions
  • Hive Analysis
  • Hive String Functions
  • Hive Date Functions
  • Partitioning
  • Bucketing

Learn about Apache Spark

  • Spark Intro
  • Cluster Overview
  • RDD
  • DAG/Stages/Tasks
  • Actions & Transformations
  • Transformation & Action Examples
  • Spark Data frames
  • Spark Data frames - working with diff File Formats & Compression
  • Dataframes API's
  • Spark SQL
  • Dataframe Examples
  • Spark with Cassandra Integration
  • Running Spark on Intellij IDE
  • Running Spark on EMR


₹ 4,500/-  ₹ 3,999/- 


15 hours Live Session, 15 hours Recorded Sessions